Make money from home by becoming a virtual assistant

The term "Virtual Assistant" is one of the most often used words when people talk about home based jobs. While it may sound easy, it is still an assistant job and you have to be comfortable doing almost anything -much like an Office Assistant. Actually, it is exactly like an office assistant. Consider the following tasks that were listed in an actual job posting for a virtual assistant: Email management (responding to and sorting emails); Calendar Management (includes setting up appointments); Handling phone calls; Researching and coordinating travel arrangements; Creating newsletters and distributing it, Create and update systems and procedures; Manage projects.


Virtual Assistants can perform once-off duties for a specific outcome or task, or some employers prefer to use a Virtual Assistant on a more regular basis and would need the assistant to adhere to specific office hours.


There are many online platforms where one can find Virtual Assistant jobs, such as and
Alternatively you could create your own personal website where you can post all your skills and job preferences, and use it to promote your services with tools such as Google Adwords. With Google Adwords you can specify keywords that can determine where your ad will show up, and you only pay once someone clicks on your ad.


Check out the following online platforms for Virtual Assistant jobs: